Rev. Thomas V. Berg, Ph.D.

Rev. Thomas V. Berg is a Roman Catholic priest of the Archdiocese of New York. He currently serves as Vice Rector, professor of moral theology, and director of admissions at St. Joseph’s Seminary (Dunwoodie). In addition to his current focus on fundamental moral theology, his areas of specialization include natural law theory, medical ethics, and philosophical and theological anthropology. He has served by appointment on both the ethics committee of New York’s Empire State Stem Cell Board, and the New York State Task Force on Life and the Law. He has published or been quoted in Crisis Magazine, the National Catholic Register, First Things, The Wall Street Journal and the New York Times, and has co-edited a volume of essays on the topic of human embryo adoption entitled: Human Embryo Adoption: Biotechnology, Marriage, and the Right to Life (NCBC).

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