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Broken Promises

Does Roe v. Wade Really Help Women?

The BROKEN PROMISES of Legalized Abortion

1. More choices for women in crisis?
The right to “choose” abortion has become the right to “coerce” women into abortion. Studies show that aborted women are twice as likely to be the victims of homicide and domestic violence – confirming the coersion surrounding abortion.

2. More power for women?
Legalized abortion has facilitated the sexual exploitation of women – making women into objects to be used instead of persons to be loved.

3. An answer to sexual abuse?
Women victimized by the violence of rape or incest have expressed feeling further violated by abortion. Women who have chosen keep or adopt out their children report experiencing healing and love, rather than more pain.

4. No more women and children in poverty?
The number of women and children in poverty, and the number of abused children has both increased steadily since 1973.

5. Abortion liberates women?
Abortion is destroying women. A 30-year medical review shows that women who underwent abortion were 3-6 times more likely to commit suicide. Mother and child are a sacred unity, and a woman’s knowledge that she caused the death of her own child naturally leads to deep psychological disturbance. Women who need help in healing after abortion can contact Rachel’s Vineyard to find reconciliation and peace.

“Every 36 seconds in America a woman lays her body down forced to choose abortion out of a lack of practical resources and emotional support. Abortion is a reflection that society has failed women.”

Patricia Heaton
Emmy Award Winner – Everybody Love Raymond
Feminists for Life Honorary Chair

