We provide strategic and seasoned legal expertise to policy leaders around the nation and world on the cutting-edge human life issues of human cloning and stem cell research, the impact of abortion on women’s physical and psychological health, and as well as end of life issues such as physician-assisted suicide and denial of care.
Bioethics Briefing Sessions: Do you need legal drafting on human life and biotech issues? Would you like to have bioethics issues explained in plain English? Contact BDF’s legal team to arrange a concise yet informative “Bioethics Briefing” on any human life issue.
This educational service can range from brief telephone consultations to on-site individual or group training seminars using interactive PowerPoint presentations.
BDF model legislation and customized drafting embodies a principled yet common-sense approach that respects human dignity and the threats to the health of women and people with disabilities. Examples of model legislation that BDF has successfully helped states to enact include:
- Prohibiting state-sponsored prenatal discrimination based on a diagnosis of Down syndrome or any other health condition or genetic variation
- Prohibiting Abortion Providers from Public/Charter School Instruction
- Requiring Abortion Clinics to provide “Point of Rescue” Brochure for Victims of Sex Trafficking
- Comprehensive Human Cloning Ban
- Public Funding Prohibition on Human Cloning and Embryo Destructive Research
- Human-Animal Hybrid Ban
- Ban on Cash-induced Human Egg Harvesting
- Prohibiting Commercialized Gestational Surrogacy Contracts
- Unsafe Abortion Protection Act (Admitting Privileges Plus)
- Ultrasound Before Abortion Act
- Obamacare Abortion Insurance Opt-Out
- Parental Consent/Notification
- Partial-birth Abortion Bann
- Funding of Pregnancy Resource Centers
- Healthcare Rights of Conscience
- Presumption of Nutrition and Hydration
- Physician-assisted suicide ban
To obtain BDF Model Legislation assistance or to schedule a Bioethics Briefing contact us at 504-231-7234 or info@BDFund.org
The “BDF Bioethics Blueprints” is a resource compiled by the BDF legal team. It provides the text of life-affirming bioethics legislation that has been enacted in the U.S., Canada, Germany, Italy and France.
To request a complimentary e-copy of the BDF Bioethics Blueprints, contact us at 504-231-7234 or info@BDFund.org